7 Toxic People You Must Avoid

In an already stressful world what with the global pandemic, no immediate solution in sight, uncertainty, work and study from home challenges, relationships are under so much strain.

It is so important that you keep your sanity.  This would mean that you should keep yourselves in a positive frame of mind.  Easier said than done, what with so many toxic people to add to your woes.  Here is a list of toxic people you must avoid in your life to keep things bright around you.

  • The Gossip monger – who is a carrier of half-truths, lies and quiet literally the news castor.  Such people have vivid imagination and have the uncanny knack of sucking you into their world of illusions and before you realize you are caught in their web of falsehood and lies.  Just listening to their gossip may make you unwittingly a part of their story and at times become a casualty.
  • The Narcissist – who is completely about ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘Myself’ and is always concerned about projecting himself/herself as self-righteous and who has monopoly on the truth.  he/she is also the one who will do anything for personal gains, even if it means trampling and hurting a few people on the way.  They are not open to any input or feedback and believe in the adage ‘my way or the highway’ in all their transactions.
  • The Manipulator – who would likely use  your vulnerabilities for their own personal gains.  The manipulator is one who can distort facts to get things moving in his/her favor.  They also indulge in manipulative behavior and are the one’s who would use your innocent sharing of information against you or for their benefit.  Trust for them is a bait to gain control over you and manipulate you the way they want.  You must be extremely careful with people who have in past conversations with you taken up topics which you would have shared with them in your moment of vulnerability.
  • The Cynic – is the one who can drain you of your energy and enthusiasm while doing any task.  They transmit negativity wherever they go.  They tell you how things won’t work out or can’t be done all the time.  Such people can with their cynicism make you doubt your own abilities and can be a big drain on your self-confidence.
  • The Judgmental – are the people who are constantly judging you and the environment of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’.  They are the people who have a stereotypical view of the world around them and try to impose their judgment on others.   They also judge before having complete information leading to lot of conflicts.  The judgmental people are also fixated in their approach and are found to be inflexible.  They see the world with the colored glasses they carry.
  • The Arrogant – are the people who are condescending in their behavior with others.  They consider others to be not as capable as they are, often ridiculing and passing snide remarks.  They are the ‘know all’ of any topic and are not open to others.  They move around carrying a sense of privilege or entitlement.
  • The Victim – is the person who is constantly projecting to you as to how the world is against him/her.  Narrating story after story about the wrongs which are happening to him because of the unkind world.  They are constantly on the lookout for people who are willing to listen to their sob stories and offer them their shoulder. They can at times take away a lot of your time and also manipulate your sensitive nature to derive personal benefits.

Have you encountered a few of these types?

Do you have any more of the toxic types one needs to be vary of?

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