TCDLive Weekend Lounge Videos

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TCDLive Weekend Lounge Videos provide you with content from The Critical Dialogue – crucial conversations that we bring to the table with renowned speakers and guests.

Nathealth – Expert Speak Series: Understanding the triggers of STRESS and relieving them at work & home

Workplaces are embedded with stress. Occupational stress affects personal and performance outcomes. Furthermore, workplace stress is correlated with high levels of depression and anxiety, and burnout.
In this expert speak series moderated by Siddhartha Bhattacharya, Secretary General, NATHEALTH, my co-panelist Manish Agarwal and I together explore what causes stress at work and at home and simple ways in which you could cope.
We looked at what organizations, individuals, and families can do to ensure happiness and well-being.

S1:E7 – Promote Yourself – The New Normal for Success!

If you’re going to get ahead and be happy with your career, you need to be in the driver’s seat, constantly seeking out opportunities and being persistent. When you do, your manager, your coworkers, and the executives will view you as a valuable asset, and you’ll get those raises and promotions that you’ve been killing yourself to get. In the TCD Live Weekend Lounge today we are engaged in The Critical Dialogue on how you can use your current job as a springboard to success and use thinking-inside-the-box skill rather than outside-the-box skills to realize your potential, maximize your success, and take your career to a whole new level.

S1:E6 – Road to Resilience – The Beginning and Beyond

It’s hard to get through an average day without hearing about resilience—whether it’s how we need to develop resilience or congratulating ourselves on how we already have. We’re reading about resilience, talking about it, and touting it. But perhaps we’re getting a bit tired of resilience. Maybe it’s time to drop the buzzword, avoid the jargon and pause the platitudes in favor of something new.

In this episode, hosts Sree and Nyn shed light on the journey and the long road to building resilience. They attempt to go beyond the cliche’ and bring our attention to the need for a holistic approach towards resilience – Mind, Body and Soul.

S1:E4 – Recovery and Resilience in the aftermath of domestic violence

Practically every aspect of a domestic abuser survivor’s life is altered in the aftermath of domestic violence. Leaving an abusive relationship involves transitioning from being controlled to being in control while coping with the costs of a domestic life filled with fear, terror, and devastation. This change takes tremendous strength as one’s energy shifts from survival mode to starting a new life.

In this show, we speak to Nyn Riffat, the Founder of Nyn’s Dreams about how she moved from recovery to building resilience and repurposed her life post the trauma of being a victim/survivor of domestic violence and abuse.

S1:E3 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Organizations must stop shouting from rooftops!

Diversity, equity, and inclusivity in the workplace don’t mean you merely use it as a showcase – a splash here and a dash there. Most organizations feel satisfied that they are meeting the bare minimum needs of diversity and inclusion numbers. People at the receiving end of micro-aggressive behavior start to feel increasingly alienated and are constantly reminded that they are different and don’t belong.

In this episode, we will talk to Torrey Davis, Founder, DavisIOP Consulting Inc. to shed light on his journey and how he not just saved his skin but saved his sanity to be successful in life? We will ask him how to identify the signs of micro-aggression at work and ways to deal with it.

S1:E2 – Workplace harassment and bullying

Throughout our corporate history, we have witnessed bullying and harassment, particularly on women and especially those of color. It’s an evil mindset that exists that has destroyed many innocent lives, shredding their hopes of reaching the top echelons of corporations into oblivion.

In this episode, we speak to Oluwafemi aka (Femi) Omotola, CEO, Owner, and HR Strategist at Shalom Shalom Consulting Inc about her tryst with bullying and harassment at work and the way she was able to handle the challenge.

S1:E5 – Mental Wellness recovery – an active change of ideas and attitude

Today many the world over are dealing with devastating losses of both the personal and the professional kind. From losing dear ones to the loss of jobs and relationships to accumulating huge business losses. People still seem to be reeling under the after-effects of a calamity of proportions they would have never ever imagined they would face in their lifetime.
The Critical Dialogue with Karl Berry, in this episode, is on simple yet profound ways that can help you recover – no matter what you are going through in life currently.