Balancing Flexibility and Fairness in Leadership: Navigating the Tightrope

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, one constant challenge reigns supreme: the delicate balancing act between flexibility and fairness. Picture this scenario: leaders often find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place, torn between the need to adapt to changing circumstances and the imperative to uphold fairness and consistency. How can leaders navigate this precarious tightrope and effectively embody both flexibility and fairness at the same time?

Balancing Flexibility and Fairness - the leadership tightrop

Flexibility in leadership is akin to the supple branches of a tree swaying with the wind, ready to bend and adjust to the shifting tides of change. It requires a nimble mindset, an openness to new ideas, and the willingness to pivot when circumstances demand. A flexible leader embraces innovation, encourages experimentation, and empowers their team members to explore uncharted territories.

Fairness, on the other hand, is the bedrock upon which trust and integrity are built. It is the unwavering commitment to treating all individuals with equity, respect, and impartiality. A fair leader establishes clear expectations, applies consistent standards, and ensures that decisions are made based on objective criteria rather than personal bias or favoritism.

So, how can leaders embody both flexibility and fairness in their leadership approach? Let’s explore some practical strategies:

  1. Adaptive Communication: Effective communication lies at the heart of leadership. Leaders must communicate openly and transparently with their team members, keeping them informed about changes, challenges, and expectations. By fostering a culture of open dialogue and active listening, leaders can adapt their communication style to meet the diverse needs of their team members while ensuring clarity and fairness in their messages.
  2. Empowerment through Flexibility: Empowerment is the cornerstone of effective leadership. By providing their team members with autonomy, ownership, and the freedom to innovate, leaders foster a culture of creativity and initiative. Flexible leaders understand that different individuals may require different approaches and are willing to tailor their leadership style to accommodate diverse needs and preferences.
  3. Consistency in Fairness: While flexibility allows for adaptation and innovation, fairness requires consistency and impartiality. Leaders must establish clear policies, procedures, and guidelines that apply to everyone equally. By adhering to consistent standards and holding all team members accountable for their actions, leaders can build trust and credibility within their teams.
  4. Balancing Individual Needs: Recognizing that each team member is unique, leaders must balance the collective needs of the team with the individual needs of its members. This may involve providing flexible work arrangements, personalized development opportunities, or tailored support based on individual strengths and challenges.
  5. Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Feedback is essential for growth and development. Leaders should actively seek feedback from their team members, encourage open dialogue, and use constructive feedback to inform their decision-making process. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, leaders demonstrate their commitment to fairness and their willingness to adapt and evolve over time.

In essence, the art of leadership lies in navigating the intricate dance between flexibility and fairness. While it may sometimes feel like being caught between a rock and a hard place, effective leaders embrace the challenge, finding strength in their ability to adapt, innovate, and uphold principles of fairness and integrity. By embodying both flexibility and fairness in their leadership approach, leaders can inspire trust, foster collaboration, and drive success in the face of uncertainty and complexity.

Leadership Insecurity and Its Impact

Understanding Leadership Insecurity: Impact on Organizations and Ways to Overcome It:
Leadership is often associated with confidence, authority, and decisiveness. However, beneath the surface, many leaders grapple with feelings of insecurity. Understanding what drives these insecurities, their impact on organizations and individuals, and how leaders can overcome them is crucial for effective leadership and organizational success.

Leadership insecurity and its impact

What Makes Leaders Insecure?

  1. Fear of Failure: Many leaders fear making mistakes or failing to meet expectations, which can stem from a fear of judgment or a desire to maintain a flawless image.
  2. Comparison with Peers: Constant comparison with peers or predecessors can lead to feelings of inadequacy, especially in competitive environments.
  3. Impostor Syndrome: Despite achievements and qualifications, some leaders struggle with feeling like a fraud and fear being exposed as incompetent.
  4. Lack of Validation: Leaders may feel insecure if they lack recognition or validation for their efforts and contributions.
  5. Uncertainty: Ambiguity and uncertainty in the workplace, such as during times of change or crisis, can exacerbate feelings of insecurity as leaders navigate unfamiliar territory.

Impact on the Organization and Those they Lead:

  1. Low Morale: Insecure leaders may struggle to inspire confidence and motivation among their teams, leading to low morale and disengagement.
  2. Lack of Innovation: Fear of failure can stifle creativity and risk-taking within the organization, hindering innovation and growth.
  3. Poor Decision-Making: Insecurity may lead to indecisiveness or overly cautious decision-making, resulting in missed opportunities or ineffective strategies.
  4. Toxic Culture: Persistent insecurity at the leadership level can foster a culture of mistrust, micromanagement, and blame, negatively impacting employee well-being and retention.
  5. Limited Growth: Organizations led by insecure leaders may struggle to adapt to change or capitalize on new opportunities, impeding long-term success and growth.

Overcoming Insecurity as a Leader:

  1. Self-Awareness: Recognize and acknowledge feelings of insecurity, understanding their underlying causes and how they manifest in behavior.
  2. Seek Support: Build a support network of mentors, peers, or coaches who can offer guidance, feedback, and encouragement.
  3. Develop Resilience: Cultivate resilience to bounce back from setbacks and failures, viewing them as opportunities for growth and learning.
  4. Focus on Strengths: Embrace and leverage your strengths, skills, and achievements, fostering confidence in your abilities as a leader.
  5. Foster a Positive Environment: Create a culture of trust, openness, and psychological safety within the organization, where team members feel empowered to voice their ideas and concerns.
  6. Continuous Learning: Invest in personal and professional development, acquiring new knowledge and skills to build confidence and adaptability.
  7. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques to manage stress, regulate emotions, and maintain perspective during challenging situations.

In conclusion:
Leadership insecurity is a common challenge that can have profound implications for organizations and individuals. By understanding its root causes, recognizing its impact, and actively addressing it through self-awareness, support, and personal growth, leaders can cultivate confidence, resilience, and effectiveness, fostering a culture of trust, innovation, and success within their organizations.

Leadership and the Messiah Complex

Leadership and the messiah complex often come with the problem of overestimating one’s abilities, disregarding input from others, and assuming I alone can solve all problems. This mindset can lead to micromanagement, lack of delegation, and alienation of team members. It can affect those they lead by fostering dependency, stifling innovation, and creating a toxic work environment where dissent is discouraged. Overall, it undermines collaboration and growth within the team.

Leadership and the messiah complex

Several factors can contribute to a leader developing a messiah complex:

  1. Narcissistic tendencies: Leaders with a strong focus on their own importance and superiority may develop a messiah complex as they see themselves as the only solution to problems.
  2. Past successes: Previous successes or achievements may inflate a leader’s ego, leading them to believe they are infallible and indispensable.
  3. Lack of accountability: When leaders are not held accountable for their actions or decisions, they may become overconfident in their abilities and believe they are always right.
  4. Surrounding environment: If a leader is surrounded by individuals who constantly reinforce their beliefs of being exceptional or indispensable, it can further fuel the development of a messiah complex.
  5. Power dynamics: Holding positions of power can amplify feelings of self-importance and reinforce the belief that the leader alone holds the answers to all problems.
  6. Fear of failure: Some leaders may develop a messiah complex as a coping mechanism to deal with their fear of failure, convincing themselves and others that they are indispensable to the success of the organization.

The Perils of the Messiah Complex

While on the surface, the messiah complex may seem like a testament to a leader’s confidence and decisiveness, its repercussions can be far-reaching and damaging. Here are some of the key perils associated with this mindset:

  1. Micromanagement and Lack of Delegation: Leaders plagued by the messiah complex often struggle to trust others and delegate tasks effectively. Believing themselves to be the sole arbiters of success, they micromanage every aspect of their team’s work, stifling creativity and innovation in the process.
  2. Dependency and Learned Helplessness: When leaders position themselves as the sole solution to all problems, they inadvertently foster dependency among their team members. This dynamic creates a culture of learned helplessness, where individuals become reliant on the leader for guidance and direction, rather than taking initiative themselves.
  3. Alienation and Dissent: The messiah complex can breed resentment and alienation within the team. Those who dare to challenge the leader’s authority or offer alternative perspectives may find themselves ostracized or marginalized, leading to a toxic work environment marked by fear and mistrust.
  4. Stagnation and Lack of Growth: In organizations where the leader is viewed as a messianic figure, innovation and growth are often stifled. Team members may become complacent, resigned to the belief that the leader alone holds the keys to success, thereby inhibiting experimentation and risk-taking.

Navigating Away from the Messiah Complex

Escaping the clutches of the messiah complex requires a concerted effort to cultivate self-awareness, humility, and a willingness to collaborate. Leaders must actively seek out diverse perspectives, encourage open dialogue, and empower their team members to take ownership of their work.

Additionally, fostering a culture of accountability and constructive feedback can help counteract the insidious effects of the messiah complex. By holding themselves and others to high standards, leaders can cultivate an environment where growth and innovation thrive, free from the constraints of ego and self-aggrandizement.

In conclusion, the messiah complex may offer a seductive illusion of power and importance, but its consequences are far from benign. Leaders who succumb to this mindset risk alienating their team, stifling innovation, and ultimately derailing the very success they seek to achieve. By recognizing the perils of the messiah complex and actively working to counteract its influence, leaders can chart a course towards sustainable growth, collaboration, and success.

Leadership and the Hidden Dynamics – Power Vs. Force

In our fast-paced world, power often manifests itself in various forms, yet its true essence remains elusive to many. To unravel the mystique of power, let’s embark on a journey behind the wheel of a car, where the interplay between force and power becomes palpable.

Consider the effortless acceleration of a high-performance vehicle. As the driver presses the gas pedal, the car swiftly responds, propelling forward with grace and authority. This seamless surge of power, though imperceptible to the naked eye, embodies the essence of the quote: “Because power is effortless, it goes unseen and unsuspected.”

Unlike force, which is tangible and immediately felt through the senses – like the jolt of a sudden stop or the push of a heavy object – power operates on a subtler plane.

It is recognized not through external manifestations, but through inner awareness. Just as the driver senses the potency of the engine beneath the hood, one must attune their inner faculties to perceive the presence of power in the currents of life.

Moreover, the dynamics of power extend beyond the mechanics of driving. Like the driver behind the wheel, individuals navigate through life, often unaware of the powerful attractor energy patterns they set in motion. Just as the alignment of wheels determines the trajectory of a car, our subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and actions shape the course of our lives.

Much like how a skilled driver harnesses the potential of their vehicle, mastering power requires conscious alignment with our intentions and desires.

By cultivating inner awareness and understanding the subtle interplay of energies, we can transcend the limitations imposed by unconscious patterns and unlock our fullest potential.

The metaphor of driving a car serves as a profound lens for leaders through which to explore the intricacies of power.

By recognizing the effortless nature of true power and cultivating inner awareness, we can navigate through life with greater purpose and authenticity, transcending the confines of our present condition.

Just as a skilled driver commands the road with confidence and finesse, so too can we navigate life’s journey with mastery and grace.

When leaders lack alignment with their intentions and desires, they may tend to fall into the trap of leading by force rather than by power.

Do you think leaders often lead by force rather than by power?

Asking for help can be traumatic experience!

As humans we are wired to think and believe that we are born equal. It’s the journey which puts us in different contexts or life experiences. It’s therefore not easy for us to come to an acceptance that some of us have less of somethings in life when compared to others. It could be power, authority, money, health, family, relationships, food and many more.

So when someone comes asking for your help, it can be very humiliating or traumatic for the person asking. Remember, the default position for us is that we are all equal. The person seeking help has to deal with his ego and self-esteem. The act in the persons mind is considered as conceding the ground that you have more power or influence or even ability than the seeker.

You find that most misuse this power without even understanding the context of the help seeker. We judge people based on their current state or appearance and start to behave in a way that compounds the sense of trauma or humiliation that person is already suffering.

I have had leaders asking me to teach people in their organizations to seek help when needed. I tell them it is pointless to teach people to seek help as the person giving help or having the power to give help is not going to change. The fact that they are asking me in itself demonstrates that people working in their organization have been humiliated when they sought help. No one likes to be in that state for long and before time people stop asking. Statements like ‘why don’t you figure out for yourselves’; ‘don’t you have brains’; ‘why don’t you grow up’ and so on can be from the many unintentional one’s which would have accentuated the problem.

There is a need for you to be empathetic to people who come seeking help. You have the power not to abuse but to use and help. You are equally a seeker as much as a giver. Do not push people away when they come seeking cause you have a great responsibility.

How many come to you seeking help? It’s a good measure of how you have dealt with seekers in the past.

‘Credibility’ – 10 actions that go to enhance the quality of your leadership!


If there is one thing that matters most for Leaders; its ‘Credibility’. Leaders who have credibility also have the voice of authority. How much authority they wield is dependent on what they have to offer to their people.

Building your leadership credibility is a long process but actioned in small doses.   It’s a reflection of your ‘character’ – the values and behaviors you exhibit and the ‘competence’ – the knowledge, skills and experience or past track record you bring to the table. The strength of these two aspects is what builds the trust in the people you lead. Both need to be together, having one without the other may not help build credibility. For example, you may come across as humble, honest, consistent and with high morals however, when you want your people to achieve something or lead them towards goals, your credibility suffers if you do not back it with past track record. The same applies vice-versa as well. You may have great track record but if it is not built on the strength of values, it may lead to lack of trust in the teams you lead.

How do you then enhance your leadership credibility? The following steps may kick-start the process.

  1. Be consistent in your behavior
  2. Be comfortable in your vulnerability. Demonstrate that you are comfortable with what you cannot do. Talk about it openly.
  3. Be transparent
  4. Keep your promises and commitment
  5. Be honest
  6. Show active interest in understanding people – listen
  7. Spend time talking to people
  8. Say ‘I don’t know’ when you truly don’t
  9. Constantly upgrade your skills and knowledge
  10. Pursue goals relentlessly

As you can see, the 10 points are not very difficult to action, it requires your intent to enhance your leadership credibility. Remember, that is what matters most!


6 hacks you can learn from ‘Game Designers’ to increase employee engagement

It’s always fascinated me to see how gamers get hooked to long hours of gameplay without fatigue. I started to look at the characteristics of gaming which get such high level of engagement from the gamers. Are there any lessons organizational leadership can learn? Is there an environment you can provide which makgaming lessons for leadershipes employees feel happy and totally committed to the job? Can you create a workspace where people feel that its closer to their dream job?

If you think that the key elements which contribute to a highly engaged employee is a ‘high paid’ and ‘easy’ job you are mistaken. Our two decades of research into the causes which account for a highly motivated and engaged employee provided evidence on the contrary.

Here are the 6 characteristics which game designers use to build games that suck you in for hours on end.

  1. Compelling story line – With all the popular games you will find a compelling story which stimulates some of the base emotional needs of any individual. Something like the ‘victory of good over bad’, war, mystery, fight, race against time, competition etc. Anything which will provide an adrenaline rush. It also provides visibility of a higher goal which will be achieved by being part of the story. As leaders you must ask – ‘Do I have a compelling story to tell to my people?’; ‘Will it excite them enough to be part of the journey?’ ‘Will the story satisfy all their basic human needs?’
  2. Clearly defined goals – as with any game there is are clear goals to be achieved and they are made visible as part of the initial storyboard. The gamer is not just shown a clear path moving from one level to the other but also provided with a visual of how it looks like at the next level. It also gives them a clear vision of their performance goals and the benefits of achieving them. Mind you, this is not one time – each time the gamer reboots the system, it starts with the screen showing the levels he has already unlocked and the one’s yet to accomplish. This keeps him focused and raring to go. The human mind is designed to unlock the mysteries of life and that is the very emotion it triggers when the gamer finds locked levels in front of him. As he knows what awaits him in the next level, he strives hard to reach there. Similarly, leaders must provide a complete storyboard of the career path for each employee and a visual of what he will accomplish at each level. This story shouldn’t be one time or just during performance reviews; it should be a daily visual. That’s the only way you can keep your employees engaged. Remember, employee engagement is not a fancy which you indulge in from time to time but a sustained effort which will surely pay dividends in the long run.
  3. Training and skilling – every game provides initially a training level of the complete gameplay. The gamer is provided with complete information of the steps and necessary skills to play the game with ease. Simulation is provided where immediate feedback is given and alternative methods shown to achieve game tasks. This ensures that the gamer is comfortable before he takes on a particular level. Training levels greatly improves the confidence of the gamer before jumping into the actual scenario as it is non-threatening and fun. He is allowed to fail as many times as he wants just for him to learn the nuances of the gameplay. As leaders you must look at employee training and upskilling as an essential part of engagement. I find that training always takes a back seat in the face of daily urgencies and also takes the first hit when there are cost cutting measures. This doesn’t really help.
  4. Freedom in how you perform tasks – while most of the gameplay scenarios are pre-defined and the path is set out very clearly for the gamer; the games provide enough flexibility to perform tasks. In games you find that at each level, the gamer is provided with the flexibility to choose his weapon and ammunition of choice, the vehicles, the money he wishes to carry etc. This gives him the feeling of involvement and the power of choice. When the gamer feels that he is making the choices at each level, he feels in control and is totally engaged. As leaders you must see if your work provides your employees the freedom required to do their tasks their way. While guidelines will be there in your company, it should not be perceived as constraining with limited choice. Innovation, initiative and creativity should not be mere lip service.
  5. Feedback to let you know how you are doing? – in all games there is continual feedback on the progress the gamer is making. For example, he is clearly shown when his health is deteriorating and when his health has improved or reached high levels. You must as leaders ensure that the feedback process is not one time or only during performance reviews but continual. It gives your employees complete awareness of the progress they are making on a daily basis. If there is one tool that you can use to manage and develop performance – it is the use of feedback.
  6. Visible rewards and recognition dashboards – leaderboards and rewards are the ways in which games provide the gamer with a sense of accomplishment. It also helps him compare his performance with the rest of the gamers in the world. It keeps him motivated to do better and better every day and turn out with strategies to win. You will see that these leaderboards are visible and constantly available on screen for the gamer to see where he stands in terms of gaming points and rank against the rest. Likewise leadership should not be afraid of publishing leader boards and make it visible at all times for employees to feel competitive at the same time remain motivated towards higher levels of achievement.  Who doesn’t like to be on the podium at least once in their life after all?

Do you have more lessons to share?

7 Toxic People You Must Avoid At Work

In an already stressful workplace where you grapple daily with deadlines, deliverables, reports, plans, reviews and meetings, it is important that you keep your sanity. This would mean that you should keep yourselves in a positive frame of mind. Easier said than done, what with so many toxic people to add to your woes. Here is a list of toxic people you must avoid at your workplace to keep things bright around you.

toxic people

Gossip monger – who is a carrier of half-truths, lies and quiet literally the news castor in your company.   The gossip monger has the uncanny knack of sucking you into their world of illusions and before you realize you are caught in their web of falsehood and lies. Just listening to their gossip may make you unwittingly a part of their story and at times become a casualty.

Narcissist – who is completely about ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘Myself’ and is always concerned about projecting himself as self-righteous and who has monopoly on the truth. He is also the one who will do anything to achieve personal success, even if it means trampling a few people on the way. They are not open to any input or feedback and believe in the adage ‘my way or the highway’ in all their transactions.

Manipulator – who would likely use information about you or the work you do for personal gains. The manipulator is one who can distort facts to get things moving in his favor. They also indulge in political behavior and are the one’s who would use your innocent sharing of information against you or for their benefit.

Cynic – is the one who can drain you of your energy and enthusiasm while doing any task. They transmit negativity wherever they go. They tell you how things won’t work out or can’t be done all the time. Such people can with their cynicism make you doubt your own abilities and can be a big drain on self-confidence.

Judgmental – are the people who are constantly judging you and the environment of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’. They are the people who have a stereotypical view of the world around them and try to impose their judgment on others.   They also judge before having complete information leading to lot of conflicts. The judgmental people are also fixated in their approach and are found to be inflexible. They see the world with the colored glasses they carry.

Arrogant – are the people who are condescending in their behavior with others. They consider others to be not as capable as they are, often ridiculing and passing snide remarks. They are the ‘know all’ of any subject and are not open to others. They move around carrying a sense of privilege .or entitlement.

Victim – is the person who is constantly projecting to you as to how the world is against him. Narrating story after story about the wrongs which are happening to him because of the office environment. They are constantly on the lookout for people who are willing to listen to their sob stories and offer their shoulder. They can at times take away a lot of your time and also manipulate your sensitive nature to derive personal benefits.

6 Fears Leaders Need To Be Concerned About

Isolation – office cliques pose the threat of isolation for any employee. When cliques and groupism exists, people live in constant fear of their exclusion from such groups. In some workplaces the groups are very well guarded and being part of it is not easy. The more the number of such groups, more the chances of office politics.Fears

Failure – very rarely do you find employees in today’s highly competitive world not fearing failure. While its almost a cliché to state that ‘failures are stepping stones to success’ how many of us are comfortable with failing? When stakes are high, this fear increases many notches and leads to high amount of stress in people. When failure is not acceptable in workplaces it constrains creativity and innovation. You would end up creating processes which convert humans into machines.

Rejection – is another fear which people are constantly trying to deal with. It leads them to be guarded in their communication and expression of ideas. Most often this fear is what leads to a total communication lock-down in teams and organizations.

Humiliation – especially in front of others is one of the most common ones which you see from your early schooling. People are constantly worried about the mistakes they would end up committing and the resultant humiliation they have to face in front of others, by way of reprimands or ridicule. This makes them resistant to compelling action.

Livelihood – in today’s corporate world where ‘money’ is the sole reason for businesses to be existent, people end up purely as a commodity which can be dispensed with easily to reduce costs in case of difficult times. The sword of being laid-off always is hanging over the head of employees and they are in constant fear of losing their livelihood and the support it provides to their families and self. This can lead them to be fiercely competitive and follow the principles of ‘dog eat dog’. It’s a matter of survival after all.

Feeling useless – when employees are not given enough opportunities or responsibilities to exhibit their talent and contribute, they tend to feel useless. This in turn leads to the fear of they being dispensed with easily.

The goal therefore for leadership is to address these fears and create a strong culture based on a clear set of human values and beliefs. By giving them the power to make decisions and offering trust and empathy, leader can create a Circle of Safety. When you create such an environment, employees are freed from the constant threats from within the organization and can start investing their energy to seize big opportunities which exist outside the organization.