
Self development

The Critical Dialogue for Self Development will help you explore the eight dimensions of your life by engaging in difficult conversations which you may otherwise ignore. It will make you more ‘Self-aware’ and bring about a balance in your life, making you happy and enjoy living.

Fear of rejection, people pleasing, and the impact on work

While it is understandable to want to avoid rejection, red flags should go up if you feel an intense need to put other people’s needs before your own. People pleasers who are compulsive will go to great measures to win people over and are a good example.

Ding-dong bell, Donkey in the Well

One can’t get rid of difficult people from life.  You keep finding them along the way.  Throughout my consulting career, I have come across many people who ask me how they could deal with a difficult boss, colleague, spouse or family, or even client.  I keep thinking about ways in which you could navigate those…


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