Career Ability Profile

Career Ability Profile

Reflections Big Five Career Ability Profile (RB5CAP)
This personality report is your tool for self-reflection. The basic purpose for self-reflection using this report is to analyze, assimilate, acknowledge and apply solutions.

The Career Ability Big 5 helps you understand your nature and what would come naturally to you; helping you make career and education choices in a scientific manner. IT’S ABOUT YOU AND WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU TRULY HAPPY IN LIFE.

RB5P provides you with scores and interpretations on your 5 distinct character traits and 30 facets of your personality; strengths, weakness, and comprehensive coping mechanisms for personal and career development.

TRY OUR FREE assessment and short report
Comprehensive 18-page report = $108 or INR 8024/- Incl. of 90 min. personal consultation and de-brief online.